In God We Trust
In God We Trust
The Chassidus explains (Maamar "Yom-Tov Chel Rosh Hashanah"-5666) that the impulse that Israel performs on Rosh Hashanah (the Revelation of Divine Kingship throughout the world) is an example and a model of time future, which is the true intention rooted in the Infinite Being:"G-d desires to have His Dwelling in the lower world".
And it is explained that "he already had something similar at the time of the Gift of the Torah",but that this Revelation was only for a moment, until the ultimate times when the promise will be fulfilled saying "And the Glory of G-d will be revealed, and all fleshly beings will see together ... (Yechaya 40,5).
A sample of this is also done on Rosh Hashanah.
Speech of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson,Sefer Hithvaadouyoth 5747,Page 34.
The Baal Shem Tov says :
"I want to make the Jews supply the production that we are entitled to expect from the land of G-d's covetousness".
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